Sherry Woodard Consulting


Group classes are effective and easy, even for those new to training. Only current, science-based, dog-friendly methods are used in class, so classes are always an enjoyable learning experience for both you and your dog (and the whole family – kids can be great trainers too!). Classes are grouped into four-week sessions to better accommodate what individual clients are interested in learning with their dogs.


  • Clients will learn easy and effective ways to shape and improve their dog’s behavior.
  • Classes help dogs to develop focus and attention in distracting situations.
  • Small class size limited to 4 dogs per class means clients get plenty of one-on-one assistance.
  • Classes are family friendly so everyone can participate (children should be age 8 and up to attend and only two people per dog are allowed in class each week).
  • Relationship-based training methods foster respect and understanding to increase the bond between clients and their dogs.


Week 1

  1. Meet & Greet
  2. Talk Tools
  3. Shopping list/supplies
  4. Training techniques, timing and markers
  5. Body language
  6. Improving focus, attention


       Week 2

  1. Sit (lured)
  2. Down (lured)
  3. Stand (lured)
  4. Sit (hand signal)
  5. Down (hand signal)
  6. Stand (hand signal)
  7. Touch Targeting


       Week 3

  1. Introduction to Loose Leash Walking
  2. Sit (add verbal cue)
  3. Down (add verbal cue)
  4. Stand (add verbal cue)
  5. Introduction to random order
  6. Introduction to Non-food rewards
  7. Introduction to Wait, Stay, Leave It, Mat Work
  8. Reinforcing Name
  9. Recall on longline


       Week 4

  1. Check greeting skills
  2. Down / Stay on Mat
  3. Adding behaviors / Proofing
  4. Loose Leash walking review
  5. Leave It (walk)
  6. Ask for Basic Cues (while you sit)
  7. Talk more about use of toys, tug, retrieve, flirt pole
  8. Importance of Leave it, Trade, Drop it, Recall

Must be able to demonstrate skills for basic manners to attend this class. We work on adding distance, duration, distractions, games, fun tricks and adding to the vocabulary. Please contact me.

Learn more about being in town with your dog. “In Town” is a class to learn and practice basic skills together. This is sometimes open as a puppy class, foster class, rescue group/shelter volunteer class. Please contact me.

A great way to start enjoying time out-and-about time with your dog. Let’s make sure your dog is comfortable in different surroundings. We work on basic manners and good recall, trying out some fun trails! You will start with using your regular leash but can move to a longline leash quickly if your dog is having fun. Please contact me.

Whether you have a partner to work with or need to find a dog or pup, I can help! If you are a therapist or a volunteer handler, let’s talk about your desire to be a part of therapy work with a non-human partner. Please contact me.

Service Dog Tasks vary depending on each person’s needs. Please contact me to make plans.

Public Access Skills class is open to all comfortable, well-behaved dogs. People have used this class as enrichment for therapy dogs, detection dogs, any dog to get out and do more and practice having great behavior! Please conatct me.


Group classes are effective and easy, even for those new to training. Only current, science-based, dog-friendly methods are used in class, so classes are always an enjoyable learning experience for both you and your dog (and the whole family – kids can be great trainers too!). Classes are grouped into four-week sessions to better accommodate what individual clients are interested in learning with their dogs.


  • Clients will learn easy and effective ways to shape and improve their dog’s behavior.
  • Classes help dogs to develop focus and attention in distracting situations.
  • Small class size limited to 4 dogs per class means clients get plenty of one-on-one assistance.
  • Classes are family friendly so everyone can participate (children should be age 8 and up to attend and only two people per dog are allowed in class each week).
  • Relationship-based training methods foster respect and understanding to increase the bond between clients and their dogs.


Week 1

  1. Meet & Greet
  2. Talk Tools
  3. Shopping list/supplies
  4. Training techniques, timing and markers
  5. Body language
  6. Improving focus, attention


       Week 2

  1. Sit (lured)
  2. Down (lured)
  3. Stand (lured)
  4. Sit (hand signal)
  5. Down (hand signal)
  6. Stand (hand signal)
  7. Touch Targeting


       Week 3

  1. Introduction to Loose Leash Walking
  2. Sit (add verbal cue)
  3. Down (add verbal cue)
  4. Stand (add verbal cue)
  5. Introduction to random order
  6. Introduction to Non-food rewards
  7. Introduction to Wait, Stay, Leave It, Mat Work
  8. Reinforcing Name
  9. Recall on longline


       Week 4

  1. Check greeting skills
  2. Down / Stay on Mat
  3. Adding behaviors / Proofing
  4. Loose Leash walking review
  5. Leave It (walk)
  6. Ask for Basic Cues (while you sit)
  7. Talk more about use of toys, tug, retrieve, flirt pole
  8. Importance of Leave it, Trade, Drop it, Recall

Must be able to demonstrate skills for basic manners to attend this class. We work on adding distance, duration, distractions, games, fun tricks and adding to the vocabulary. Please contact me.

Learn more about being in town with your dog. “In Town” is a class to learn and practice basic skills together. This is sometimes open as a puppy class, foster class, rescue group/shelter volunteer class. Please contact me.

A great way to start enjoying time out-and-about time with your dog. Let’s make sure your dog is comfortable in different surroundings. We work on basic manners and good recall, trying out some fun trails! You will start with using your regular leash but can move to a longline leash quickly if your dog is having fun. Please contact me.

Whether you have a partner to work with or need to find a dog or pup, I can help! If you are a therapist or a volunteer handler, let’s talk about your desire to be a part of therapy work with a non-human partner. Please contact me.

Service Dog Tasks vary depending on each person’s needs. Please contact me to make plans.

Public Access Skills class is open to all comfortable, well-behaved dogs. People have used this class as enrichment for therapy dogs, detection dogs, any dog to get out and do more and practice having great behavior! Please conatct me.